#55 Kevin Jenkins - "The Great Awakening" - CEO, Urban Global Health Allianc‪e‬ LIVESTREAM with the FREEDOM BROADCASTERS

Awakening - A podcast by Roy Coughlan

FREEDOM BROADCASTERS LIVESTREAM INTERNATIONAL www.freedombroadcasters.com When: Saturday February 27, 2021  Guest: Kevin Jenkins, CEO, Urban Global Health Alliance On: “The Great Awakening” Kevin Jenkins, the African American CEO of Urban Global Health Alliance . Urban Global Health Alliance will partner with communities to empower and engage on the issues of Health & Wellness.  Urban Global Health Alliance recognizes that in an increasingly urbanized world, health issues present new challenges that go far beyond the health sector and require action at the global, national, community, and individual levels. Since 2020, he has expended his work to awakening his people of the truth on the relentless, unconstitutional and inhuman strategies of human modern enslavement. The Three Pillars of the Urban Global Health organization: 1. Educate 2. Advocate 3. Address Public Policy Contact info: https://www.urbanglobalhealthalliance.com/ FAFTA Freedom Airway and Freedom Travel Alliance https://www.freedomairway.com/ What we Discussed: - Urban Global Health Alliance - New World Order - How to Build a New World - Current Situation with Vaccines - Eugentics - If You Comply You Die - Black Lives Matter Movement - We are Currently The Great Experiment - Transhumanism - How the Pharma companies are not liable for side effects - Flying in Freedom - Corrupt NGO's and more FREEDOM BROADCASTERS Chris Ryan Podcast: MINDWARS https://linktr.ee/mindwars https://www.mindwars.uk/ Grace Asagra Podcast: Quantum Nurse https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra Hartmut Schumacher Podcast: GO YOUR OWN PATH https://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path. Roy Coughlan Podcast: THE AWAKENING https://linktr.ee/awakeningpodcast Steve Fierro Podcast: Awakened Mind https://anchor.fm/steve-fierro THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.HERE’S how you can help. LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE, SHARE, COPY AND PASTE LINKS