#67 Cancer is a Fear Driven Industry - Diane Elms, Hom.,D.H.M.H.S.
Awakening - A podcast by Roy Coughlan

All Episodes can be found at www.awakeningpodcast.org To Subscribe or find our videos linktr.ee/awakeningpodcast All other Podcasts linktr.ee/roycoughlan About my Guest: Diane Elms, Hom.,D.H.M.H.S. Drugless Cancer Care Experience Homeopath, CCI 2006 Iridologist of the Year Diane is the founder of THE PHOENIX RISING CENTER The Phoenix Rising Center is a place where all people no matter what their cultural, financial or faith base background is, can come to receive drugless cancer care or for any health challenge. Drugless cancer care will firstly include homeopathic medicine which was the first regulated medicine in Ontario even before pharmaceutical medicinal. Homeopathic medicine has been researched, accepted and written in medical journals showing homeopathic medicine curing brain, lung and breast cancer, just to name a few cancers. As well iridology may be used as an evaluation tool to see areas of congestion, stagnation and/ or toxicity as well as weaknesses throughout the body. The eyes are a wonderful tool of evaluation. What We Discussed: - Iridology and what it's about - Drugless Cancer Care - Regulations against her industry - Cancer Act in Ontario - Cancer is a wake up call within your body - The young woman who was told she could not get pregnant is now holding her healthy baby - 50% of the population will get Cancer - Her Phoenix Rising Center - Compassion Law in canada - 714X that Cures Cancer - Vacinations - The dangers of Mercury in Fillings and Vacinations - The CDC Vaccines side effects - Discussing why more children now have cancer - Social Media Censorship and how to play the game Links we discussed: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/90c01 https://wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html https://youtu.be/nwfreTf0JzE How to Contact Diane Elms: Diane Elms, Hom.,D.H.M.H.S. Drugless Cancer Care Experience Homeopath, CCI 2006 Iridologist of the Year www.phoenixrisingcenter.ca 905 768 0848 [email protected]