Build Your Family on the Gospel with Special Guests Deepak & Sara Reju | Ep. 491

Awesome Marriage Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Kim Kimberling - Tuesdays

The Christmas season will be here soon, and it’s a great time to refocus on our faith as we celebrate Jesus’ birth. But exactly how can we do that in the midst of normal life plus holiday busyness?! There are lots of reasons why it’s easy to miss making our faith a part of daily life with our spouse and kids. So today, our special guests Deepak and Sara Reju give simple, practical ways to do just that, right in the midst of real life.   We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    RESOURCES: Sarah’s new board book, Jesus Saves, would make a great gift for the youngest in your life!  Deepak has several books out, and you can find him on Twitter (@DeepakReju). Giving Tuesday is coming up soon; the most generous time of year! When you give you will also receive this Giving Tuesday, with our 4-Week Connection Challenge! As a non-profit, we could not fulfill our mission without you. We are so thankful for your generosity!  Our Creative Questions to Ask Your Spouse 2.0 will get good conversations started and keep them flowing between you and your spouse.  Have you seen Dr. Kim’s awesome new Marriage Multiplier email? The Marriage Multiplier brings you 4 pieces of marriage wisdom in a quick, easy to read email.  Get bite-sized daily doses of marriage wisdom delivered straight to your inbox with Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email. As a subscriber, you’ll also be eligible for some awesome freebies!   Have you looked into our Marriage Changers membership yet? Marriage Changers get all of our monthly resources, plus some other sweet benefits! Learn more here!