One-Sided Marriage Q & A | Ep. 506

Awesome Marriage Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Kim Kimberling - Tuesdays

Today we wrap up our series one one-sided marriage by answering some of your questions. We know marriage isn’t easy, and there are no one-size fits all answers. But some key themes have stood out through this series, and there are practical action steps you can take to help your marriage, even if your spouse never gets on board. Tune in today as we address them.     We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!  RESOURCES   Even in a difficult marriage, there is no place for violence or any kind of abuse. If you are unsafe in your marriage, please contact or  800.799.SAFE Dr. David Clarke’s book Enough is Enough will help you find solid, biblical next steps if you think you may be in an abusive situation.  The Self Check In Guide (I referred to this as the “Self Awareness Challenge”) is designed to help you clarify what’s going on with you, which is a really helpful step in communicating well with your spouse.  “How to Ask for Help” special Wives’ Edition podcast episode with Christina and Lindsay  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! You will get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email!