What is Team Language? | Ep. 501

Awesome Marriage Podcast - A podcast by Dr. Kim Kimberling - Tuesdays

“Team language” is a great counselor term that I’ve heard Dr. Kim use a lot, and I wanted to learn more about what that looks like – and doesn’t look like – in marriage. Join us today as we unpack practical ways to shift to a team mindset and use team language.      We pray this episode is helpful to you and your marriage.    P.S. Did the “good guy” idea Dr. Kim mentions later in the episode step on your toes like it did mine?! Let me know if that’s something you want to hear more about!  Subscribe to Podcast Email to make sure you never miss an episode and get noteworthy quotes, resources, and more delivered straight to your inbox!    *Music for this podcast is created by Noah Copeland. Check him out here!    RESOURCES   Sign up for Dr. Kim’s Daily One Thing email to get an email from Dr. Kim every weekday with one practical thing you can do for your marriage that day! We'll also send you our “Creative Questions To Ask Your Spouse” for free when you subscribe. Your marriage can only be as healthy as the two of you. The Self Check In Guide is designed to help you grow in self-awareness and emotional health.  We’ve done the work for you and created the Tied To You Date Design to make your next date night fun, easy and memorable.  Dr. Kim highly recommends a weekly marriage check in, and our Weekly Check In Guide makes it easy to do! Get this resource for free when you sign up for Dr. Kim’s weekly Marriage Multiplier email! If your marriage is really hard right now, please take advantage of our free resources designed specifically to help struggling marriages.