Episode 89 - Containers on AWS
AWS TechChat - A podcast by Shane Baldacchino

In this episode of AWS Techchat, we talk briefly about container basics, difference between VMs and containers, and how customers are leveraging containers to modernize their legacy workloads. We look at different orchestration options for building modern applications and talk about various AWS tools that could be used. We cover use cases for automated infrastructure provisioning and integrating with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. We cover Karpenter from autoscaling perspective and few new feature releases in containers space and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) Anywhere support on bare metal and also discuss security best practices at high level. Resources: • Hands On workshop for Amazon EKS - ecsworkshop.com/ • Live streams and videos featuring AWS Container Services and demos - www.youtube.com/c/ContainersfromtheCouch/featured • Amazon EKS Best Practices Guide - aws.github.io/aws-eks-best-practices/ • Architecting Amazon EKS workload for PCI DSS compliance white-paper -d1.awsstatic.com/whitepapers/arch…s-compliance.pdf • Architecting Amazon EKS workload for HIPAA compliance white-paper - docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/lat…amazon-eks.html • Amazon EKS Blueprints Quick Start *-*aws-quickstart.github.io/cdk-eks-blueprints/ • Karpenenter Documentation - karpenter.sh/ Speakers: Shai Perednik - Global Tech Lead - Blockchain www.linkedin.com/in/shaiperednik/ Arindam Chatterji - Senior Solution Architect - US SMB www.linkedin.com/in/arinchat/ Prasad Shetty - Senior Solution Architect - US NE Enterprise www.linkedin.com/in/prasadshetty3/