Delivering An Experience-First Marketing Strategy At Scale

B2B Marketing Exchange - A podcast by Demand Gen Report


If there was anything positive that came out of the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on B2B businesses, it’s the amount of agility, creativity and innovation that marketers from all industries were able to pull off. One of those companies was Cedar, a patient payment and engagement platform for hospitals, health systems and medical groups that elevate the end-to-end patient experience. Their ability to scale experiential marketing by almost 2X to keep customers engaged and pipeline moving forward with a small team was truly mind-blowing. In this episode, we take a look back at a B2BMX session led by Cedar’s Experiential Marketing Manager, Adrienne Lichten and Senior Director of Demand Generation, Caryne Say, who shared their shift to virtual experiential marketing and how the company delivered 21 experiences to keep customers engaged as they remain focused on ABM goals.