Summit Lost Pet Rescue discusses their organization and what to do when you lose or find a lost pet

Bark n Wag 15 Minute Vet Talk - A podcast by Polly ReQua

Summit Lost Pet Rescue is an animal protection and welfare organization devoted to finding lost pets in Summit County Colorado and reuniting them with their owners. They are 100% donation based and donations go directly toward resources and supplies to help find lost pets. Summary of Services Educate the community about how to avoid losing or becoming separated from their pets. Educate the community about what steps to take once they have lost their pet(s). Educate the community about what to do/what not to do when spotting lost or stray pets. Once a pet has been deemed to have been “lost” the charity will communicate with the owner to share calming signals techniques and gather information on the lost pet.  If the pet is lost in Summit County, then we organize a team of volunteers to: hang signs, create flyers, purchase bait food and set traps, set out comfort stations & pet-beds, set up game-cameras, as well as organize search parties to look for lost pets.   If the pet is lost outside of Summit County, then we can consult remotely via phone, text or facebook messenger with the owners. Post lost pets to various social media along with updates and what to do/not do to help locate lost pets. Maintain internet website as well as social media sites to educate and inform the public.     STEPS TO FOLLOW IF YOUR PET WENT MISSING:         CALL SUMMIT ANIMAL CONTROL TO REPORT LOST- 970-668-8600 CALL SUMMIT SHELTER TO REPORT LOST- 970-668-3230 CALL SUMMIT LOST PET RESCUE- 970-423-5701 COMFORT/SCENT STATIONS- PLACE OUT OWNER’S DIRTY CLOTHES ASAP IN AREA WHERE DOG WAS LAST SEEN (THEY CAN SMELL FOR MILES, SO THESE SCENTS CAN HELP DRAW THEM BACK). ALSO PLACE OUT THEIR PET BED.  IF MISSING PET HAS A SIBLING PET, RUB TOWELS ON THE SIBLING PET AND LEAVE THOSE OUTSIDE AS WELL FOR SCENTS. SHARE ON THE FOLLOWING FACEBOOK PAGES: SUMMIT LOST PET RESCUE SUMMIT COUNTY LOVES THEIR PETS DOG GONE SUMMIT COUNTY ONE MAN’S JUNK SUMMIT COUNTY POST A PIC PICTURE AND NAME OF LOST ANIMAL DATE, TIME, EXACT LOCATION LOST PHONE NUMBER OF OWNER TO CALL OR TEXT IF SEEN DESCRIBE ANIMAL- SHY, SKITTISH, FRIENDLY, WHAT COLOR COLLAR, ETC ​ SIGNS- HANG NEON FOAMBOARD SIGNS AND WRITE IN BIG BLACK MARKER:“LOST DOG”, “TYPE OF DOG”, “CALL/TEXT- XXX-XXX-XXXX”, “DO NOT CHASE” ​ FLYERS- HANG ON BUS STOPS, SUMMIT DAILY BOXES, GAS STATIONS, LOCAL RESTAURANTS & BUSINESSES, NEIGHBORS CARS, AND SHARE WITH FEDEX/UPS/POST OFFICE/MAILMAN/GARBAGE TRUCK DRIVERS, ETC ​ CLICK HERE FOR LOST DOG FLYER TEMPLATE ​ CLICK HERE FOR LOST CAT FLYER TEMPLATE ​ SHARE ON WWW.NEXTDOOR.COM ​ SHARE ON WWW.PAWBOOST.COM ​ CALL YOUR MICROCHIP COMPANY AND REPORT LOST ​ CALL ALL LOCAL VETS IN THE AREA ​​​ POST SIGN IN OWNERS YARD- “LOST DOG LIVES HERE”​ ​ GO SEARCHING ON FOOT- DO NOT CALL OR CHASE PET BE PATIENT & CALM IF MISSING PET HAS A SIBLING PET, TAKE THEM WITH YOU ON EVERY SEARCH TO SPREAD THE SCENT​ KEEP SMELLY TREATS WITH YOU AND A LEAD LEASH.  IF YOU SEE HIM, HE MAY NOT RECOGNIZE YOU RIGHT AWAY (DON’T TAKE THIS PERSONALLY, ITS PART OF SURVIVAL MODE, THEY GET CONFUSED).  GET LOW TO GROUND, TURN BACK, DON’T MAKE EYE CONTACT AND DO NOT CALL HIS NAME OR CHASE.  HE’S IN FLIGHT OR FIGHT MODE AND WILL RUN.  IF YOU SEE HIM, DO THESE STEPS AND TOSS SOME TREATS HIS WAY.  ACT LIKE YOU’RE EATING AND DROPPING CRUMBS TO SEE IF IT’LL ENTICE HIM TO COME. BUILD TRUST. LET HIM COME TO YOU. KEEP CHIP BAG OR PAPER WITH YOU AND MAKE CRINKLY SOUND.  ​ WINDOW MARKERS ON YOUR CAR- WRITE "LOST DOG, DESCRIPTION, LOCATION, PHONE NUMBER" ​ LOOK ON CRAIGSLIST FOR FREE PETS OR PETS FOR SALE (JUST IN CASE SOMEONE PICKED UP YOUR LOST PET AND IS TRYING TO SELL) ​ LOOK ON PETFINDER.COM & PETHARBOR.COM ​ Those with information about this lost pet should contact Summit Lost Pet Rescue, Inc. (“SLPR”) at 970-423-5701.   IMPORTANT:  Those reading this flyer are not authorized to conduct or assist in pet searches for, or on behalf SLPR, without first registering with and executing a waiver and release with SLPR at  Those who conduct or assist in pet searches without first doing so, do so at their own risk, peril and liability.  ​