EP 32 Are Social Online Platforms Helping?

Basia's Thoughts - A podcast by Basia


We start out this episode asking if the effects on people of social online platforms might actually end up a helpful catalyst in the transition from a suicidal society, on the brink of extinction, to something new.We talk about how the effects of the platforms are accentuating separation, disconnection, and fuling adversarial dynamics.   Thus, they are bringing light to some underlying problems in societal dynamics.  A past solution has been to strengthen authority and impose a top down framework within which to operate.  We know that such as solution is currently leading to our demise.  Thus we look at an alternative.  In particular we look at decentralised nets where each person gains both power and freedom.  We discuss how the information processing in such networks differs from the top-down, hierarchical structures.   We address subjects like egoic manipulation incentives, clarity, and creativity.   We relate it to the "Yes, and..."- technique of improvisation and also talk about the relation to it being heart centered.We briefly mention how this the all-win-decentralised-network dynamics is a fractal manifestation of the deeper dynamics of creation, due to the holographic order, and how it is constantly fed by unity.We finalise by stressing the importance of our de-identification with any set structure so that we may continue in a growth mindset, learning as opposed to knowing.  As, by now customary, we point once more to the fact that if we were able to drop into who we truly are, this dynamics would arise as a consequence.If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for the podcast you can contact me on Instagram @BasiasThoughts.  And, of course, if you would like to see more content from me do sponsor me on https://www.patreon.com/basia because that will allow me to focus more on content creation.