EP34 Butterfly Intuition

Basia's Thoughts - A podcast by Basia


In this episode we ask if we do not already have a "Butterfly Intuition".  By "Butterfly Intuition" I refer to the metaphorical butterfly that we have a chance of turning into personally and as a society and civilisation.   It is an intuition that guides us to make all-win choices.We talk about the idea of diversity and based on it we look at how it appears in our current win-lose, competitive dynamics and its role in the all-win system.  We talk about how appearance and image is important in our current dynamics and how this is related to competitive information processing where judgement is a first key element and we see how polarisation and fighting for positions of power come in.We contrast this to information processing in the all-win system and we see that appearance no longer plays the same role and in fact mostly distorts desirable information.  The dynamics is that of starting by searching for a point of connections, seeing what we resonate with, what makes sense to us in the communication of the other person.  From there we expand the basis adding experience from other perspectives and creativity in a joint exploration, where learning is the focus.Here we stop to talk about how diversity becomes a natural point of interest as it broadens the reach of perspectives and is capable of providing greater insight.Then we point out that we now have technology that could work with this type of human interactions.  Indeed systems such as "the wisdom of crowds" work best when the input is from autonomous, diverse, and independent sources.  Such systems could be used as systems of organisation, as opposed to the current hierarchical systems of power, whose shortcomings we are aware of and have explored for thousands of years.Finally, we end by returning to the idea that because this is a heart centered system it actually feels better to interact in than our current system.  And so, by paying attention to how we feel and then employing out logical powers of discernment we may have an internal guide to assist in out collaborative transition into a metaphorical butterfly (as discussed in a previous episode).If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions for the podcast you can contact me on Instagram @BasiasThoughts.  And, of course, if you would like to see more content from me do sponsor me on https://www.patreon.com/basia because that will allow me to focus more on content creation.