Mastering Impactful Communication Workshop, Empower Your Voice

The beauty business coach - A podcast by Essjay Hartshorn


live podcast, master the art of being a powerful and engaging speaker. With a long list of clients including Disney, H and M and Neflix there is nothing Elisabeth doesn't know about mastering impactful communication skills. We live in a new world economy. Combine the rise of the entre- preneur with the growth of social media and reality tv and the advancements of audio + video technology, everyone around the world is trying to been seen and heard. Research shows that our attention span is shorter than a goldfish’ now. So you can’t afford to be just ok! Unless you do something totally unique, chances are that you’re competing in a crowded and very noisy market place... Being able to communicate effectively why people should do business with you, partner with you, invest in you, buy from you or listen to you is crucial. People think great speakers or performers are just uniquely talented - and whereas that is true for a select few- we know that it is a combination of carefully crafted skills that create a magnetic, engaging performance.