019 3 Tips To Help You Smash Separation Anxiety Training

Be Right Back! The Separation Anxiety Podcast - A podcast by Julie Naismith

If you think you’ve tried separation anxiety training and it didn’t work, you need to listen to this episode. I’m going to explain what separation anxiety training is (and what it’s not) and I’m going to share my top tips for acing your training. Topics: [02:10] Separation anxiety training is all about showing your dog that being on it's own is okay. [02:21] Desensitization means we take a really small amount of what the dog is frightened of and we expose the dog to it at an intensity that the dog can handle. [03:39] The key is using a precise, customized training to suit your dog and not a generic plan from the internet and try to make it work. [03:50] Tip 1: Your training has to be customised to what your dog can handle [04:05] Make an assessment of how long your dog can be on his own and then craft your training around what your dog can handle [06:10] Information on an app that creates the custom plans [06:39] Tip 2: You need to be prepared to make exercises easier sometimes. [07:25] Progress is about pushing their personal best up over time but accepting that not every single jump is going to be a personal best. [08:08] Keep a record of your training [08:37] Tip 3: You have to become an expert in your dog's anxiety threshold and their anxiety behaviour Link: THE NEXT FREE CHALLENGE STARTS ON JUNE 17th