#AskKriti Q&A Pursuing your passion with unsupportive parents, Part time Coaching, Handling Setbacks

Bawse Bestie - A podcast by Kriti Shastry


In this episode, I answer YOUR questions!1. How to get into the fitness industry & start earning?2. How much of a risk is too big of a risk? What if you lose all your savings?3. How does one know if waiting/trying to get back your friend is worth all the pain?4. Should you continue working part time on your passion if you're currently stuck between your job & your passion & cannot leave right away?5. How to pursue your passion when your parents do not support your decision?6. How to continue going inspite of setbacks, failures & disappointments?Listen to this episode to know the answers & if you have a question that you'd like to ask, please dm me at @kritishastry on IG.If you find this episode helpful & if it answered your question, please share on your IG story, tag @beyourbawsepodcast & @kritishastry & let me know! :) Love hearing from you!