How I Felt Before Leaving my IT Job - Overcoming Feeling Stuck in a Rut

Bawse Bestie - A podcast by Kriti Shastry


I felt like I was stuck in a rut..3 years ago when I was working in an IT job, I woke up feeling miserable.I got up at the same time, punched into work at the same time, saw the same faces, did the same thing, felt the same dullness throughout the day, had the same kind of weekends, hated waking up on Mondays, hated every minute sitting in the same chair doing something that felt so worthless that I questioned my existence.I had only one question that I kept asking myself.Why was I spending all my time doing something that I was average at when I could do something that I’m great at & become the best?This is what led me to that morning when shit hit the ceiling in my head & I quit.I wanted more for myself. I had a vision for the kind of life I wanted to live doing something that I was passionate about.I was in SO MUCH PAIN that I knew it couldn’t get any worse even if I failed at doing the thing that I loved.Pain is beautiful.Pain forces you to take ACTION. And that is why suffering is the most powerful motivation.I was unhappy. So I decided to do something about it. It’s as simple as that.And if you keep following what makes you happy, you WILL find your wings.If this resonates with you, you should DEFINITELY listen to this podcast episode on @beyourbawsepodcast. We dive deeper into how to get out of being stuck in a rut & how to build the life of your dreams.Available on iTunes, Spotify & Soundcloud.Share it on your IG story, tag @kritishastry & @beyourbawsepodcast and we will repost it as always.