Should you INCREASE your prices?? Are your coaching prices too low?

Bawse Bestie - A podcast by Kriti Shastry


Have you ever been so confused about what you should charge for your coaching programs?? If you already have a coaching business, you must have gone through the overwhelming process of looking at your competitors' prices & wondering if you should charge the same or lower...Are you charging too less??Should you be charging more??If yes, how much more?? How to find that out?In this episode, we explore the above questions & so much more detail about pricing your programs in order to grow yourself & your business.JOIN THE WAITING LIST to join my badass business coaching program to take your business to the next level. Enrolments for April opening soon, join in the waitlist to get priority : you like this episode, please share it on your IG story & tag @beyourbawsepodcast & @kritishastry, would love to hear from you as always!