Episode 91: Body Image: Real talk. The love, the hate and the decision that changes it all.
Beautiful Soul-Led Life Podcast - A podcast by Tara Marino

What do you eat? What do you do? I’ve gotten a lot of these types of questions related to body image over the years, and I’ve always been open about my relationship with my body and past experiences with this level of conversation. Inside of the summer vibes we feel at this time of year, it tends to bring up the conversation even more often for us as women, which is why I want to go explore it with you in today’s episode. In this potent episode, you’ll hear: Something that happened years ago that gave me perspective on women and eating disorders, along with my own journey [4:06] What I’ve learned to do since then to honor my body more [7:44] A powerful reminder I recently received about body image [9:44] An experience I had a decade ago and how it relates to this idea of us wanting to change our bodies [12:46] What you can do this week [15:11] What do you believe about your body? Now is the time for you to be really honest with yourself and make the conscious choice to choose what it is that you believe about your body. The most beautiful and liberating thing that I’ve experienced for myself is the realization that I don’t need my body to change at all in order to love it, and it is my intention that this episode allows you to feel into this energy as well. Is there something that I share here today about body image that resonates the most with you? Through reflection, are there realizations that you’ve made about how you view your body? I’d love to hear about it, so send me a DM on Instagram, @taraannmarino, or at our new account, @elegantfemme.ef. As mentioned in the last episode, if you would like to join myself and other women from around the world inside of Le Club, we start on May 3rd. This will be a journey like no other, and you can join now at www.elegantfemme.com/LeClub! As you’ve heard, we’ve launched a mini-program called Amour. In this beautiful program I share with you how to truly embody your feminine in relationships so you can receive the deepest level of love possible, whether you are in a relationship with a partner or not, and you can enroll now at www.elegantfemme.com/amour. If you’re ready to reawaken the woman within, the lifestyle makeover for the conscious modern woman who is devoted to living life fully is now available. You can learn more and join our brand new Lean Back and and Live You Fully at www.elegantfemme.com/LYF! Do you have a question that you would like answered on an upcoming episode of the podcast too? You can email us, [email protected], and if it’s a question that I think can bring value to the community and listeners, I could answer it on a future episode of this podcast! Also, If you haven’t already, take our Femme Design Assessment and see which of your FemmeTypes are underutilized.