4. Conversation with Geraldine Matus about Identity, Ego, Shadow, Healing, and More.
Becoming Fully Human - A podcast by Camille Julia and River Rudhe

In today's episode, Cam talks all things identity with Geraldine Matus. Apart from being an all-round Jedi and total badass, Geraldine is a Lay Midwife, HRHPE, PhD, and is the founder of the Justisse Method, a fertility awareness based method (FABM). She is a Doctor of Philosophy in Depth Psychology With Emphasis In Psychotherapy. She is my mentor, and my dear friend. To connect with Geraldine or work with her 1 on 1, visit https://www.worldsgeographyoflove.com Song mentioned: Leonard Cohen's The Guests https://youtu.be/ejFGVrwN00U