Dealing with Drug Addiction & Rehab FT Pro Bodybuilder Antoine Vaillant
Becoming The Lion Podcast - A podcast by Joey Szatmary

Pride, In this Ep I have my French Canadian Friend Antoine Vaillant talk with me about his dark and troublesome past with addiction. What I love about this Ep is how open Antoine is about everything. He is such a great genuine person with amazing energy. His story can really resonate with a lot of people out there who are dealing with the same battles. Antoine is also a pro bodybuilder and former Mr.Olympia competitor. I hope you enjoyed this Ep as much as I did and make sure to share it with others as we can potentially change lives just by listening! Support Antoine: Antoine IG: Antoinev87 YouTube: Antoine Vaillant website: Support the show: Programs: HD muscle: "szatstrength" Apparel for your brand: