Andrew Tate | The Rich Life | The World's First Trillionaire?

Before They Were Famous - A podcast by Michael McCrudden

Andrew Tate is a 35-year-old kickboxer who recently went on Adin Ross’ live stream to claim his stake as the world’s first Trillionaire. Seriously, those are actual words that poured out of his mouth. If this were to be true – and trust me, that’s about as huge as if there ever has been – then that would mean Andrew has reached this unprecedented benchmark before the likes of some of the world’s other wealthiest individuals, you know, like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Bill Gates, all of whom have way more credentials and the required proof to back-up such a monumental statement. So, is Andrew Tate really a trillionaire? Or is he just pretending really, really hard to be one? Well, if you were to go by what websites dedicated to figuring out the net worth of big-time celebrities are saying, then the answer is a resounding, no. Most resources like LAD-BIBLE estimate Andrew’s overall worth to be in the ballpark of around $30 Million, while others like Celebrity Net Worth aren’t even willing to go that high and suggest he might be worth something more like $20 Million. Now, to be entirely fair to Andrew, it’s not like these sites have direct access to his bank account. So, it goes without saying that these are simply educated guesses. But honestly, considering some of the things he’s said in interviews, I’m not even sure Andrew has access to his bank account -- because prior to his conversation with Adin Ross, he didn’t seem to know how much he was worth when asked by someone else.