E37: Avoid Common Business 'Gotchas' with Kronda Adair

Begin As You Mean To Go On - A podcast by Kronda Adair


Welcome back to Begin As You Mean To Go On. I am coming off of my self-imposed break to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the podcast. I wanted to come back and celebrate with you and also debut a new feature of the podcast that's going to make it even easier to take action on all of the advice that I've been offering you over the past year. Today we're talking about 'gotchas.' This topic is inspired by many conversations and things that I've seen both in discussions with clients and with prospects on the internet over the past couple of weeks. I wanted to have an episode where I talk about things people do that they don't really think much about but come back to bite you in your business. I hope this episode will help you not to make the same business mistakes.