102. What's Holding You Back As A Real Estate Investor?

Behind The Facade - Real Estate Podcast - A podcast by Gavin J Gallagher


Episode 102 - in this week's podcast I turn the microscope on the self limiting beliefs that can hold us back as property investors. I hope you enjoy. Take the Property Investor Readiness Test https://eliteproperty.scoreapp.com/   Register to join the Property Investor Roundtable https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUuc-2vpzkiE9LJV4DvmPPMQfqQdIgUy7p6 The Elite Property Accelerator https://www.elitepropertyaccelerator.com/   Connect with and learn more about Gavin here https://www.gavinjgallagher.com   Gavin also has a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/gavinjgallagher?sub_confirmation=1  If you have any questions you'd like answered on the show please email or send a voice recording to [email protected]  Connect on social media @gavinjgallagher