054 – A Man’s Personal Honor

Being A Better Man - A podcast by Alf Herigstad


The phrase; “to live with honor” implies that there is a code or list of rules to follow. While the phrase; “he is an honorable man” implies that honor is a matter of reputation that is earned. Both of these are correct…honor is both of these things, but it isn’t ONLY these things. The word honor is a simple noun but the word honor as I am applying it today is also a complex concept with many components. Honor is a complex composition of things that includes your earned reputation as a man. It is also a personal code that you design and live by and in so doing preserve that reputation. Truth and courage are also major components of honor because you cannot accomplish all this without them. Other components of honor are more internal. Honor is a deep abiding commitment to one’s self that you will live and react and interact with others in a way that is consistent with what you believe in the core of your being. At times it takes great courage to do this; you also must be truthful with yourself at all times in order to pull this off. Honor does not thrive…it cannot exist in the presence of excuses or weakness of character. Honor is that unseen force that makes you stand behind the things you say and keep your word no matter what. It makes you remember promises, and causes you to treat others as you would like to be treated. Your honor compels you to do the right thing even when no one else would know.