063 – BEING SICK…Like A Man

Being A Better Man - A podcast by Alf Herigstad


This isn’t a super fun topic today, but it happens to be one that is relevant to me at the moment…because I am sick. I have some kind of chest congestion, upper respiratory infection. Like everybody, I hate being sick. I hate being taken out of my regular routine and everything you do is more difficult and uncomfortable…it sucks, plain and simple. But, there are a lot of things about life that suck that are also unavoidable; people getting sick from time to time is one of those things. So I was thinking about the inevitability of being sick occasionally and I started remembering a lot of things I’ve heard all my life. What I’m talking about specifically is remembering people...mostly women, complaining about how the men in their lives act when they are sick. Some women complain that their man acts like a huge baby when he is sick…like he’s going to die or something. Women seem to take an especially dim view of this behavior and I can’t say I really blame them, because of all the physical things they go through that are expected of them…like pregnancy, menstruation, and cramps in addition to all the regular sickness they get as humans and are still expected to keep the house clean, make dinner and take care of kids. It really is pretty unfair and its no wonder they roll their eyes when their big brave man acts like he’s on his death bed every time he gets a cold.