132 – Manly Manners

Being A Better Man - A podcast by Alf Herigstad


Today’s topic is inspired by a listener. A man by the name of Chris Brownell wrote in and requested that I do a show about manners. He got tired of seeing people display bad manners in public; behaving in ways that are offensive to others or otherwise not in line with social norms. Basically…people being rude, with no regard for others. Now on its surface, manners doesn’t sound like a real exciting topic. When I was a kid there was a lady on TV called Miss Manners and she was talking about what fork to use, when, and other nitsy stuff like that and as a kid it really turned me off to the whole concept of manners. But you know what? Chris is right. Manners should be important to someone who is committed to being a better man today than he was yesterday. I’m not talking about the traditional definition of manners, like how to fold your napkin and stuff like that. Lets break it down a little bit.