194 – Your Relationships, Are Your Fault!

Being A Better Man - A podcast by Alf Herigstad


The reason this is all important to us as men, is because we were designed to be in relationship with other people. The human animal does much better and survives much longer in a group of other humans. So being good at having relationships is essentially a fundamental survival skill. I think this may be more important now then it has ever been before in human history. Because the age we live in is pretty easy, too easy. All of our basic needs are easily obtained and that leaves a lot of time for people to forget about whats really important. It’s really easy nowadays, to not be a good man. However, focusing on our relationships fills that void. Our relationships are the remedy, because if we are focused on all of our relationships, that means we are engaged in the heath and well being of those relationships. It means we are doing good things and having good thoughts for the people we care about. Can you see how the very act of doing that can make you a better man every day? That’s why it’s important.