Mass Shooting: Prophetic Word + Where the Solution Begins

As You Are with Deanna Lorea - A podcast by Deanna Lorea

The last two months God has been impressing something on my heart deeply, something radical that I cannot escape. The world is about to change as we know it. People will not be able to deny that He is Lord because it will be televised. It will stem from terror but He will make Himself known to all; a global revolution. Watch. Revival is coming.... this is just the beginning.   My sincerest condolences to the families who have lost loved ones so tragically, publicly, and undeserving. It is never and will never be ok, you all have a special blessing waiting for you and God is with you in your loss. Trust that even though the loss feels distant and terrible on earth, they are in a place we could only wish to be watching over you and rejoicing with our Savior. We will see them again one day.   May they Rest in Peace and Rejoice with Love.  Latest Article: