DON'T CHANGE YET! Pick a Card Tarot Reading - Thurs. June 24, 2021
Bernadette Carter-King’s Wild Pack Wisdom - A podcast by Bernadette King

If you're feeling a metamorphosis coming, pump the brakes, Wild Pack! It's not quite time to change yet. Why not? Today, the gorgeous Butterfly appears inverted to give you the details. Have you stopped dancing? Do you need help transitioning from one stage of life to the next? Are you trying to connect with the wisdom of your ancestors? Do you want to be more sensitive to your surroundings? Butterfly, as a Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal, can help! Butterfly teaches you how to ease your way through change creatively, all while celebrating your life! SPIRIT ANIMAL MEANINGS Throughtout the world’s folklore, Butterfly bears associations with the human soul. The stages of the Butterfly mirror our own journey. We begin as the larva with no concept of our full potential, move blindly into a cocoon for quiet communion with the Divine, and emerge as something wholly marvelous. Metamorphosis’ elegance is the most outstanding illustration of Nature’s true magic! What does the majestic Butterfly have in store for your Thursday pick a card tarot reading? Watch the video to find out! 0:00-2:33 Intro2:34-16:15 Butterfly Spirit Animal Meanings Buy your Ark Animal Tarot & Oracle Deck now! JOIN the WILD PACK on the FREE FORUMS: Book a reading with Bernadette: More about Butterfly Spirit Animail: What Is My Spirit Animal is dedicated to helping people connect with and learn from their animal spirit guides. What Is My Spirit Animal can show you how to find your spirit animal, understand your totem animal, and tap into the energy of your power animal. Try our spirit animal meditation and take our spirit animal quiz! Find hundreds of spirit animal meanings as well as your Native American Zodiac Sign! *Disclaimer* By reading, watching, and consuming (in any way) content (videos, readings, lives, et all) originating from Building Beautiful Souls, Inc. its holdings and/or agents (,,,, you agree all material contained therein is metaphysical and spiritual in nature and for entertainment purposes only. #PickaCard #DailyTarotReading #SpiritAnimal