Are supermarkets profiteering in an era of high food prices?

Best of Today - A podcast by BBC Radio 4

The Prime Minister has raised concerns over the price of weekly shopping bills for average consumers. On Thursday Rishi Sunak said: ‘We are looking at the supermarkets, making sure they are behaving responsibly and fairly.’ Latest figures released on Wednesday showed that the inflation figure has remained much higher than expected, for the fourth month in a row. The Bank of England has raised interest rates for the 13th consecutive time – from 4.5% to 5% – to try to stop such rapid price rises. Today’s Nick Robinson spoke to Andy Clarke, who is now Chairman of operational improvement company Newton Europe and to Kathleen Kerridge, anti-food poverty campaigner and Chair of the Lived Experience Panel at the Food Foundation. (Image, Customer in supermarket aisle, Credit, Yui Mok PA)