Mayor of London: Expanding Ulez is a 'difficult' but 'vital' decision

Best of Today - A podcast by BBC Radio 4

Today’s Mishal Husain discusses the arguments for and against the implementation of low emission zones for vehicles. London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone, Ulez, has now expanded to cover all of Greater London, with owners of the most polluting cars now facing a £12.50 daily charge to drive in the capital. Whilst these changes have been carried out in at least seven areas in England, the expansion today of London makes it the biggest, affecting nearly 9m people. Mishal first speaks to Irene Bacon, a care worker, who tells us the impact these changes will have on her. She then speaks to Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, who explains why they have decided to expand Ulez to cover all of London. He labels it as a ‘difficult’ but ‘vital’ decision and summarises the implications it will have. He also responds to Irene’s fears by outlining the different schemes available to help solve financial issues. Aaron Chown/PA Wire