NHS England prepared to support 'Martha's Rule'

Best of Today - A podcast by BBC Radio 4

Martha Mills was 13 years old when she died in hospital two years ago, after failures by doctors to spot and treat her sepsis. Her mother Merope previously spoke to Today and called for hospitals to implement 'Martha's Rule', where patients and their families would be given the right to an urgent second opinion, if they feel their concerns are not being taken seriously by medical staff. The Health Secretary Steve Barclay then said in the House of Commons that he was looking at introducing a Martha's Rule to the NHS. Labour responded to our interview by saying if the government doesn't act, they will write the rule into the NHS constitution. Today's Mishal Husain speaks to NHS England's National Medical Director, Professor Sir Stephen Powis, responds to that interview by Merope Mills and her call for 'Martha's Rule'.