044: Short selling expert Laurent Bernut continues our discussion on short selling, bear markets, position sizing, trading edge and trading psychology.

Better System Trader - A podcast by Andrew Swanscott chats with professional traders Larry Williams, Ernest Cha


Back in Episode 32 we had a chat with Laurent Bernut, a systematic short seller who spent years working in the Hedge Fund world specializing in short selling strategies.

He shared loads of knowledge with us in that episode but we actually had a lot more to talk about. We ran out of time back then so in this episode we’re going to continue with the chat, covering a bit more on short selling, including common problems and mistakes traders make when short selling, the 5 psychological stages of a bear market, how these stages manifest in market behavior and where we are now.

We also chat about his Convex position sizing model, visualizing your trading edge and how to tilt it more in your favor PLUS he shares with us a special trick to switch our minds from a flight or fight mode back into a state of flow.

We also have some great questions submitted by podcast listeners so listen out for those.

Topics discussed

  • Common problems traders face when short selling
  • When to never short a stock
  • The 5 psychological stages of a bear market, how they manifest in the markets and where are we now?
  • How Laurents Convex position sizing model adapts position size differently in periods of performance and drawdown
  • Visualizing your trading edge and tilting it in your favor based on trading style
  • The main components of a short trading strategy
  • Why a break of support is often not the best place to enter a short trade and what to do instead
  • A simple 'jedi mind trick' that switches your mind from fight or flight into a flow state