092: Trading for a Living with Nick Radge

Better System Trader - A podcast by Andrew Swanscott chats with professional traders Larry Williams, Ernest Cha


Have you ever dreamed of leaving your day job to trade for a living?

Or living a life of freedom - travelling the world or hanging around at home, doing whatever you like during the day while you live off your trading profits?

When I first started getting into trading I had this grand vision in my mind of leaving my corporate job, travelling the world, living a life of luxury all supported by my trading profits.

It's a common goal for alot of traders, but getting to that stage can be difficult, and knowing when you're ready to make the leap can be challenging.

I regularly receive emails from people asking questions like:

  • How do I know I’m ready to trade for a living,
  • How do I become a full-time trader,
  • How much money do I need,
  • What other factors do I need to consider before taking this step.

The guest for this episode, Nick Radge from The Chartist, has an extensive trading history and also mentors other traders.

He's in a great position to answer all of our questions on trading for a living, so that's what he's going to do for us today, plus...

... he's also going to share some honest advice that all traders need to hear before taking the step to 'trading for a living'.