128: Where to find 'phenomenal' trade setups

Better System Trader - A podcast by Andrew Swanscott chats with professional traders Larry Williams, Ernest Cha


As you probably know, we’re currently focusing on Mean Reversion trading strategies.

In episode 127, Cesar Alvarez shared a number of techniques to measuring Mean Reversion and identifying setups.

There was probably close to 10, maybe 12 different ideas Cesar shared with us, so there are lots of ways to measure Mean Reversion when looking for trade setups.

Are any techniques better than others?

In this weeks Trading Thought I want to add a little bit more to the insights Cesar shared with us on Mean Reversion setups by referencing another very popular Mean Reversion episode I did with PJ Sutherland, episode 62.

In this weeks 'Trading Thought' PJ is talking about measuring Mean Reversion setups and a technique where he ‘really started to see phenomenal test results’ -  who doesn’t want that right?

So what is this technique?

And where did PJ see these phenomenal test results?

Take a listen as PJ explains it to us...