879. Uncover Your True Calling in Life w/ Sahara Rose

Heal Squad x Maria Menounos - A podcast by Heal Squad


Happy Throwback Thursday Heal Squad! Are you struggling to find your life's purpose? Well for today’s throwback, we are bringing back our conversation with Sahara Rose and she is teaching us all about our dharmas, or our soul's purpose. Sahara reveals the nine core personality archetypes that exist - and helps you identify which one you most embody. By embracing your unique archetype, you'll unlock a deeper understanding of your gifts, passions, and divine calling. Sahara also shares how stepping into your dharma can profoundly transform every aspect of your life, guiding you toward greater fulfillment, happiness, and a profound sense of meaning. Whether you're feeling lost or simply yearning to live more purposefully, this episode will empower you to courageously step into your most authentic, joy-filled life. Make sure to take Sahara’s dharma archetype quiz and let us know what you get!  Healers and Heal-Liners: Your dharma is your soul's purpose. It’s the big reason why you’re here and is more than just what you do.  Archetypes are essentially personality types. All of our archetypes were chosen by our souls to support our dharmas.  Living your dharma is being the most natural expression of who you are. Often we feel like living our purposes is a selfish act.  Excitement is breadcrumbs guiding you towards your dharma. It’s important to always align your highest form of service with your highest form of joy. Learn More About Sahara Rose Sahara Rose’s Instagram: www.instagram.com/iamsahararose/ Sahara Rose’s Website: https://iamsahararose.com/ Find out your Dharma Archetype: https://dharmaarchetypequiz.com/ Get your copy of ‘Discover Your Dharma’: https://iamsahararose.com/dharma HEAL SQUAD SOCIALS IG: https://www.instagram.com/healsquad/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@healsquadxmaria HEAL SQUAD RESOURCES: Heal Squad Website: https://www.healsquad.com/ Maria Menounos Website: https://www.mariamenounos.com My Curated Macy’s Page: Shop my Macy’s Wishlist OUAI: https://theouai.com/ use promo code: HEALSQUAD for 15% off Wonderful Pistachios: http://www.wonderfulpistachios.com/ Danger Coffee: https://dangercoffee.com/pages/mold-free-coffee?ref=healsquad ABOUT MARIA MENOUNOS: Emmy Award-winning journalist, TV personality, actress, 2x NYT best-selling author, former pro-wrestler and brain tumor survivor, Maria Menounos’ passion is to see others heal and to get better in all areas of life. ABOUT HEAL SQUAD x MARIA MENOUNOS: A daily digital talk-show that brings you the world's leading healers, experts, and celebrities to share groundbreaking secrets and tips to getting better in all areas of life. DISCLAIMER: This Podcast and all related content ( published or distributed by or on behalf of Maria Menounos or Mariamenounos.com and healsquad.com ) is for informational purposes only and may include information that is general in nature and that is not specific to you. Any information or opinions provided by guest experts or hosts featured within website or on Company’s Podcast are their own; not those of Maria Menounos or the Company. Accordingly, Maria Menounos and the Company cannot be responsible for any results or consequences or actions you may take based on such information or opinions. This podcast is presented for exploratory purposes only. Published content is not intended to be used for preventing, diagnosing, or treating a specific illness. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health-care emergency, please contact a qualified health care professional for treatment.