Cara: How Forgiveness Can Set Your Free

Better. - A podcast by Dr. John Duffy & Julie Duffy


Cara Pollard is a friend and colleague of mine whose practice was born out of a significant childhood event - one day, her mother left to “go buy a pack of cigarettes” and didn’t return for an entire year.  Instead of growing into an angry, resentful adult over this, Cara ultimately used the experience as an opportunity to become an expert in the art of forgiveness.  Cara’s here to share her story today, and detail how forgiving her mother was essentially a pathway to deep healing, avoiding destructive feedback loops, and creating the family and career of which she had always dreamed. In this episode we discuss: -Her mother’s abandonment as a child, and how their relationship is now stronger than ever because of it -Why you should never badmouth a parent to a child, regardless of the situation -Is forgiveness more of a process, or a point in time? -How her experiences as a child helps her coach other parents today