Samantha: On Ending An Abusive Relationship

Better. - A podcast by Dr. John Duffy & Julie Duffy


Today’s guest is Samantha, who is here to share her story about about the ups and downs of a few different relationships she’s been in, including an abusive one that wreaked havoc on her life.  What’s really remarkable about Samantha is her unwillingness to play the role of the victim as so many of us do when life and relationships don’t exactly go our way.  Instead, honing her self awareness has allowed her to recognize some re-occuring patterns in her relationships that she’s since been able to overcome, and acquiring some killer wisdom on “trust” along the way. In this episode we discuss:-How she eventually realized the relationship she was in was an abusive one, and how it affected all her other relationships-How she eventually became seriously ill over the stress she experienced during this relationship-How she was finally able to cut ties and break free -How similar patterns emerged in her next relationship, and how she reacted to learning about his drug problem-Most importantly, why she’s ultimately decided to still trust other guys she dates in the future, despite her previous experiences