#2 | The Ocean, Seas And Marine Life with Oscar Blue, Aged 6

Between Two Nerds - A podcast by Curiosity Lab

Oscar Blue, aged 6, asks the nerds about our blue planet. He has questions about the oceans, the seas, marine life and marine habitats. We talk about why clownfish and pelagic fish choose to live where they do, why the ocean is blue, why the sky is blue, how water came to Earth on comets, why the blue planet has land as well and what would happen if climate change causes the ice on Earth to melt and the sea level rose. If you would like to see what the nerds look like, check us out on YouTube at: https://www.youtube.com/c/BetweenTwoNerds And for more information about Curiosity Lab, how we make kids fall in love with science, check out: https://www.curiositylab.ae