Brexit: what just happened?

Beyond Today - A podcast by BBC Radio 4

The prime minister's decision to suspend parliament prompted an angry backlash from MPs and opponents of a no-deal Brexit. It sparked protests across the country, a legal challenge and a petition with – at the time of writing - around one and a half million signatures. The government claims the five-week suspension in September and October will still allow time for MPs to debate Brexit.It’s another of those moments in the Brexit saga, and there seem to have been loads of them, that leaves people feeling pretty confused. When the news broke the Beyond Today team started getting messages from friends and family asking what on earth is going on?! People think that as we work at the BBC and it’s our job to follow Brexit, we have the answers. But it’s all become so complicated that honestly, we’re not sure anymore. So we compiled the questions we were sent, added some of our own, and put them to Chris Morris from the BBC’s Reality Check team.Producer: Duncan Barber Mixed by Andy Mills Editor: John Shields