Did We Ruin It ?

Bible Answers Live - A podcast by Amazing Facts - God's Message Is Our Mission!

"And it repented the LORD that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart." Yet still, "in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace." This love of Christ is incomprehensible, and though we fail and grieve Him, filled with doubts toward Him or doubts of us, we are healed and empowered by His life and His sacrifice. Please join us as the pastors speak on the unpardonable sin, and how we must believe God will forgive AND give power and ability to live a new life. God will not ask of us anything without firstly giving us the power ! "When faith asks of God, it believes that it has the petition which it has asked of Him," (C.H.S.). God has provided help for us, and in His strength we may conquer, (PP, 421). Let us believe Him ! Let us praise Him ! Study with us now ! 1.- Regarding Numbers chapter 24, did Balak use sorcery ? 2.- Will you please elaborate on Acts 26 verse 24 ? 3.- Where in the Bible does it say that we are to vote individuals in or out of church membership ? 4.- Should a Christian celebrate Cesar Chavez Day ? 5.- Why did God use an unclean bird (a raven) for both Elijah and Noah ? 6.- According to Revelation 8 verse 7, are we entering the first trumpet judgment considering the recent weather ? 7.- In Genesis 1 verse 28, both the KJV and NKJV use the word “replenish” the earth. However, other translations use the word “fill” the earth. I s this a translation error in the KJV and NKJV ? 8.- Do we have to take communion before we go to heaven ? 9.- Is God protecting Satan, and if so, what is He protecting him from ? 10.- Does the Bible say anything about clothing and jewelry that should or should not be worn ? 11.- Is it wrong to watch Christian programs like the “The Chosen” ? 12.- Who do Joshua and the Angel represent in chapter 3 of Zechariah ? 13.- Why is there no mention of a wife in Exodus 20 verse 10 ? 14.- How did David become king when Ruth was a Moabite ? 15.- Where did the sinful nature of Lucifer come from, and what is the best way to explain this to others ? 16.- I see and hear spirits. Does this mean I am lost ? 17.- When is it okay to work on the Sabbath ? 18.- How can you know if you have committed the unpardonable sin ? 19.- Does the Bible say there are degrees of punishment in hell ? 20.- Could Dinah represent the church in Genesis 34 verses 1 through 5 ? 21.- Genesis 6 verse 6 says that God repented, but Numbers 23 verse 19 says that God does not repent. How do we explain this ? 22.- I believe that Christians are discouraged to drink alcohol, but why does God ask for an alcoholic beverage in Numbers 28 verse 7 as part of the sacrifices ? 23.- Why is it that Jesus lost his ability to be omnipresent, although He’s still omnipotent and omniscient now that He’s in Heaven ?