An ANGEL Will Fulfill the Gospel Prophecy in Matthew 24:14 . . . Not the Church

Bible Prophecy Daily - A podcast by Eschatos Ministries

Dr. Alan Kurschner talked about the nature of the fulfillment of the gospel prophecy in Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” He first explained the structure of Matthew 24, which situates Matthew 24:14 for its meaning. Verse 14 completes the major section in Matthew 24, whereas v. 15 begins a parenthetical section. Then Dr. Kurschner talked about why he does not believe the gospel prophecy in Matthew 24:14 refers to the Great Commission in Matthew 28. Instead, he believes Matthew 24:14 refers to the angelic proclamation portrayed in Revelation 14. It will happen just before the return of Jesus to judge the world. It is a gospel of judgment, warning the world that they need to give God glory lest they experience the impending wrath of God at Christ’s return.