How is the Rapture like a Harvest

Bible Prophecy Daily - A podcast by Eschatos Ministries

Nelson Walters examines the many ways the Bible describes the Resurrection and the Rapture in terms of a Hebrew Harvest. And to Christians, there is really nothing more important than these events that reunite us with our Lord Jesus Christ. John the Baptist, the apostle John, the apostle Paul, and Jesus all described the resurrection and rapture in terms of a "harvest". So do you know how this is?  Jesus is said to hold a sickle and winnowing fork. Do you know why? Do you know what takes place in a harvest and when the different harvests happened? Here’s a big question! There were 3 major harvests in Israel: the Barley, the Wheat and the Grape harvestss. Which one will you be in? It's not like we're the Fruit of the Loom guys, but we’re either barley, wheat or grapes - at least metaphorically. And because churches today have forgotten what the harvest metaphors are all about, so many arguments have been spawned about the rapture and resurrection in our churches. Listen to Bible teacher Neslon Walters as he unpacks this fascinating understanding.