Interview with Barry Horner on the Millennium, Israel, the Rapture, and More!

Bible Prophecy Daily - A podcast by Eschatos Ministries

Dr. Alan Kurschner rebroadcasted an excellent interview of the late Barry Horner on Chris Arzen's program Iron Sharpens Iron Radio. Here is a list of all the topics discussed: -What is Historic Premillennialism? -What is the nature of the millennium? -Revelation 19–20 -Zechariah 14 -Modern Israel -Future Israel -History of premillennialism in the church -Romans 11 -Interpreting Old Testament prophecy -Ezekiel's temple -Matthew 24 -The Antichrist's great tribulation -Prewrath and pretrib eschatology -The Rapture -Postmillennialism -Dispensationalism - 1 Peter 2:9