20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 5)

BibleThinker - A podcast by Mike Winger

Every Friday at 1pm PT! 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:04 Must we speak in tongues in order to be saved? 2. 11:39 Does Scripture authorize only one cup during the Lord's Supper? How should we face different government regulations of Eucharist? (E.g. forbidden one cup drinking.) 3. 14:35 What are your thoughts on the book of 1 Enoch? 4. 17:36 A friend just told me he doesn't believe that the Bible is historically accurate (ex. The Exodus, flood). Any advice on resources to help him? 5. 21:26 Can you please explain the parable about using your talents, and how we can be sure about what our gifts are? 6. 25:44 What are your thoughts on the Lutheran Church? Is the liturgy/tradition a hindrance to the Gospel and true repentance, or is there any value in it? 7. 28:59 How do you understand 1 Thess. 5: 23? Is Paul saying that every person has a distinct spirit, soul, and body, or just that everyone has a material and immaterial nature? Also, how are spirit & soul different? 8. 31:41 People often use Proverbs 18: 21 to say that our words have power, and that we can use them to speak things into existence. Is that the true meaning of the verse? Are there any verses that support that point? 9. 36:17 What does it mean that God made the world through the Son in Hebrews 1:1-2? Is using the word “through” different than using the word “by”? 10. 40:04 How do I know the Holy Spirit? Are there any teachings about having a relationship with Him which are not focusing only on the gifts? 11. 42:20 Would it be appropriate for a Christian to attend a same-sex "wedding" of a family member/friend, or would that express acceptance of the union? 12. 43:46 For several years, when thinking about the afterlife, I've felt strong anxiety and I fear that these feelings might indicate that I don't love God. Any thoughts and/or tips on this? 13. 49:29 Do you think there is such a thing as neutral/common ground in apologetics? Or are our presuppositions so important that they have to be addressed before any evidence may be be examined, as presups say? 14. 52:29 How do you think biblically about RPG video games such as Elder Scrolls? Most RPGs you can play as a Warlock using fantasy magic. Does the content and nature of a game affect your game choice? 15. 57:19 Is there scientific evidence that speaking in tongues real? 16. 57:58 Can you please explain what Jesus meant when He said to sell your cloak and buy a sword in Luke 22: 36? 17. 1:00:35 I'm confused about fasting...should all Christians fast from time to time as a reminder that God is our true need? I've just never felt compelled to skip meals to grow closer to God. 18. 1:04:18 Hi Pastor Mike, I was wondering how the pharaoh's magicians were able to duplicate changing their staffs into snakes as Aaron did when accompanied by Moses in Exodus. 19. 1:07:19 How would you respond to a person who sees the Church as a historically bloody and evil organization? Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks!