20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 9)

BibleThinker - A podcast by Mike Winger

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:15 How do the Jehovah's Witnesses mistranslate and misuse John 1:1 in their "New World Translation"? 2. 10:22 What does Matthew 24: 34 mean? What is the "all these things" Jesus speaks of? Would the original audience/early church have thought He was referring to the second and final coming? 3. 20:54 What does Matthew 26: 46 mean? 4. 22:08 Can you explain the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1? It cannot possibly mean that half the Church fails to enter in...or does it? 5. 26:18 I've heard people support abortion using Numbers 5, specifically v. 27. What is your take on that? 6. 30:43 The OT often calls the Old Covenant an eternal or everlasting covenant. If it is eternal and everlasting, how can there be a New Covenant? 7. 32:22 If I don’t read the Bible and pray every day, I feel a huge amount of guilt - like I’ve sinned and am not even worthy to be a Christian. Is this kind of guilty conscience or conviction healthy, or not? 8. 34:57 In Mark 7: 27-28, do you think that this passage is a good way to highlight that the eucharist is specifically spiritual and not physical flesh, or do you think it's not correlated enough? 9. 36:26 What is the "rod" in Proverbs 13: 24? Is it a method of corporal punishment, or does it refer to a rod of truth with which we hold our children/households accountable to? 10. 39:52 As a struggling Calvinist, could you explain the apparent favoritism of God throughout the Bible and why He "chooses" some over others? (ex. Jacob/Esau, Abraham, Prophets, and Moses.) 11. 43:01 In Genesis 9, Noah seems to curse Canaan for the actions of his father, Ham. Do you think Noah cursed Canaan, or is Moses emphasizing Canaan on purpose? 12. 44:26 How do you respond to the claim that Jesus came to dismantle systems of oppression? though He did dismantle "systems" like legalism, it also seems to diminish the Gospel when it becomes the focus. 13. 45:55 My wife and I are wondering if the parable of the sower (Luke 8:4-15) clarifies Hebrews 6:4-6...We both believe salvation is eternal. Thoughts? 14. 49:32 I don't feel the witness of the Holy Spirit or a love for God. I trust Christ to save me, but I'm not seeing fruit. Does the inward work of God take longer for some people? 15. 52:19 ​Is "the anointing" a real thing, or is it just another word for the Holy Spirit? And can we get an anointing today? Any verses to support your argument? 16. 53:54 How do we reconcile forgiveness for our sins by His work on the cross with being examined on Judgment Day? If we sin and receive forgiveness, will that be brought up again when we stand before God? 17. 57:03 Would you ever recommend The Message Bible? Any possible problems you see with it? 18. 58:53 Do you think some people focus too much on extravagant mission trips or campaigns instead of evangelizing by acting good in the world? 19. 1:02:13 In 1 Corinthians 6: 12 & 1 Corinthians 10: 22, Paul says all things are lawful. I know he isn't talking about sinful things, but is he talking about the law? I need some clarification. Thanks! 20. 1:06:38 I’ve heard some churches teach the "holy kiss" (1 Corinthians 16: 20) as a commandment. I’m curious about your thoughts on the matter. Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks! My website https://BibleThinker.org