Ep 076: How 25 years in prison helped me build my self-worth & identity, with Sheena Renea, author, speaker & leader of Prison Did Not Break Me

Big Juicy Creative - A podcast by Suzy Bashford


Sheena Renea was sentenced to life imprisonment at 17 for murdering her ex-husband. She talks openly and honestly about what led up to the crime, her darkest times and how she transformed her self-worth, sense of identity, confidence and purpose in prison; how creativity was a key part in this process and finding her voice. This is a hugely uplifting conversation, particularly for anyone who feels they are currently in a hopeless situation. If you know someone who feels they are, why not share this episode with them? Trigger warning: we talk about sexual abuse, suicidal ideation, addiction and rape For more info on Sheena Renea: Her non-profit Prison Did Not Break Me Her Prison Did Not Break Me Facebook Group Prison Did Not Break Me on Instagram To follow Big Juicy Creative for loads of inspiration on living creatively, see: Instagram: @bigjuicycreativeliving Facebook @bigjuicycreativeliving LinkedIn: @suzybashford Twitter: @suzybashford  contact Suzy: [email protected] Big Juicy Creative podcast is available on all major platforms, such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or directly from my website: https://www.bigjuicycreative.co.uk/podcast