352: No Driver’s License, No Money, No Excuses: How Diego Corzo Blazed a Trail to 18 Doors

BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast - A podcast by BiggerPockets


Eighteen doors by 29 years old by never taking no for an answer! We realize there are a lot of inspirational investors out there, but on today’s show, you’re going to be blown away by one of the best. Brandon and David sit down with Diego Corzo, a “DREAMer” who moved to the United States with his family at a young age. Fast forward a few years, and Diego jumped headfirst into real estate investing, using house hacking strategies that will work for anyone. You will be blown away by Diego’s story of how he rode a bike (with his suit in a backpack to avoid getting it sweaty) when he couldn’t get a driver’s license, how he got on the fast track to becoming a millionaire, and how he overcame a speech impediment, going on to give a TED talk! You will love his fantastic advice on what to look for in a house hack property, which areas to look when investing, and how to target the perfect tenant market. You’ll also appreciate his thoughts on avoiding drama between roommates, vetting turnkey companies, and structuring partnerships. Diego goes on to share some solid info about why he prefers “B” neighborhoods over “C” and why doing your own math is so important when analyzing deals. This guest is truly an incredible person with an incredible story—not to mention some pretty fantastic investing advice. Don’t miss out! Download this episode today, and make sure you're subscribed to the BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast so you won't miss the next one! In This Episode We Cover:How Diego owned 18 doors by 29How he overcame not having a driver's licenseWhat adversity can teach youHow he got on the fast track to becoming a millionaireHow he overcame his stutter to go on to do a TED talkHow he invests out of stateWhat he looks for in a home to house hackHow he bought his first propertyHow he bought a property with his fatherWhy he prefers “B”-class properties over “C”-class propertiesHow he vets turnkey companiesWhy doing your own math is so importantWhat he looks for in someone he can trustWhat he recommends in terms of choosing an areaHis advice for structuring partnershipsHow he recommends avoiding drama with roommates in a homeAnd SO much more! Links from the ShowBiggerPockets ForumsBrandon's InstagramDavid's InstagramDACABiggerPockets Youtube ChannelGoBundanceBiggerPockets Podcast 226: From “D-Student” to $400,000 in Annual Rental Property Cash Flow with David OsbornBiggerPockets Podcast 190: Building 61 Different Passive Streams of Income with Pat HibanBiggerPockets Podcast 318: 100 Units in the First 2 Years (Using Bank Financing!) with Collin SchwartzBiggerPockets Business PodcastLoomBiggerPockets Conference Check the full show notes here: http://biggerpockets.com/show352