Trouble Ahead in the Senate for Trump's Picks, John McLaughlin's Exit Polls, Can Trump Deploy Military for Mass Deportation? & the Real Cost of the Kamala Harris Town Hall With Oprah

Bill O’Reilly’s No Spin News and Analysis - A podcast by Bill O'Reilly

Tonight's rundown:  Hey Premium and Concierge Members, welcome to the No Spin News for Monday, November 18, 2024. Stand Up for Your Country.  Talking Points Memo: Several of Donald Trump's picks are unlikely to pass the Senate. Bill explains that Trump's backup plan could involve recess appointments. Pollster John McLaughlin joins the No Spin News to share new exit polling from the presidential election. Trump confirms he would declare a national emergency to fulfill his campaign promise of mass deportations. Reports say Kamala Harris' campaign paid way more than initially reported for a town hall with Oprah. This Day in History: Susan B. Anthony and 14 other women are arrested for voting illegally in the 1872 presidential election. Final Thought: Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy's new department. In Case You Missed It: Read Bill's latest column, War THE ULTIMATE KILLING SPECIAL. Get Confronting the Presidents PLUS the entire bestselling Killing Series. All 14 books for only $325. SHOP HERE. Get Bill's latest book, CONFRONTING THE PRESIDENTS, out NOW! Election season is here! Now's the time to get a Premium or Concierge Membership to, the only place for honest news analysis. Check out the NEW Not Woke Shop! We’ve got Not Woke t-shirts, polos, bumper stickers, and our signature Not Woke coffee mug. Get yours today and stand out from the crowd! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit