28 Body Shaming Part II.

Binge on Self-Love - A podcast by Anna Strnadel - Tuesdays

In today's second part of the two-part series, I talk about women body shaming other women, about brands parasitizing on our insecurities, and I share a little of my experience with body shaming.   Body shaming is something that many of us have experienced - either as a victim, as a witness, or maybe as someone who's actively participated in it. Body shaming is an issue that's we as a society need to face and address. Being someone who struggled with eating disorders and with disordered body image, I know how much harm a single comment on someone's body and appearance can do with your self-esteem, confidence, and mental health. Listen to part I.: https://anchor.fm/bingeonselflove/episodes/27-Body-Shaming-Part-I-euon9i SUBSCRIBE TO BINGE ON SELF-LOVE PODCAST: Subscribe to Binge on Self-Love podcast: https://anchor.fm/bingeonselflove For more content on binge eating, procrastination, self-love, and self-acceptance visit https://bingeonselflove.com Follow @bingeonselflove on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/bingeonselflove