The Bird Banter Podcast #120 with Bob Flores
Bird Banter - A podcast by Dr. Ed Pullen
On this episode Bob and I talk about his career with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, his birding story and stories and more. How many birders have birded in Area 51? My guess is not many. His career path involved working at many of the great U.S. National Wildlife Refuges including the Loxahatchee NWR in Florida, the Wheeler NWR in Alabama, Kern NWR, Stillwater NWR in Nevada, and the Ridgefield and Columbia NWRs in Washington. Bob encouages birders to ask their senators Here are contacts for the WA Senators and Representative of that area. Senator Patty MurrayMurray.senate.govVancouver Office (360) 696-7797Seattle Office (866) 481-9186Senator Maria CantwellCantwell.senate.govVancouver Office (360) 696-7838Seattle Office (206) 220-6400Representative Jaime Herrera Office (360) 695-6292Washington DC Office (202) 225-3536 Thanks for listening. Read more on the blog. Until next time, good birding and good day!