15| Alexis: A Pain-Free Breech Birth
Birth In God's Presence - A podcast by Kierra Blaser

Alexis headed into her pregnancy believing God for a supernatural pain-free birth. She meditated on His promises and made declarations from Scripture daily. And she used those Scriptures and declarations as weapons when attack hit her throughout the pregnancy. And when labor started, she absolutely experienced the fulfillment of all the promises she had been standing on and believing for. She experienced a beautiful, pain-free, supernatural waterbirth filled with worship and God's presence. And not only that, but the baby surprised them all at the end by coming out breech! Alexis didn't even know until after the birth that she had birthed her breech because the midwives didn't want to alarm her while she was pushing. God's goodness and faithfulness surround this birth story in so many ways! I pray you are blessed by it! You can connect with Alexis at [email protected] Tyson's Missionary Aviation Page And here are the resources she recommends and that we talked about on the show: Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie Mize Kingdom Childbirth Class (this is my online birth class prepares you for a beautiful birth with God!) God's Plan for Pregnancy by Nerida Walker The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding by Diane Wiessinger Dr. Ghaheri - tongue tie doctor in Oregon with lots of tongue tie resources on his website. Praying you are so blessed by today's birth story and these resources! Much Love, Kierra